Everyone has 2 different sets of feelings: good feeling and bad feeling.And you know what's the difference btw the two because one makes you feel happy,and the other makes you feel bad.It is the depression, it's anger, it's the resentment, it's guilt. It's those feelings that don't make you feel empowered. Those are the bad feelings.Seriously, no one can tell you whether you're feeling good or bad, bcuz you are the only one who knows how you're feeling at any time.If you don't know how you are feeling, just ask yourself,"how am I feeling?"You can stop and ask this question often during the day, as you do you will become more aware of how you're feeling.Before being sad, you need more time to calm down, so that you can come to know what is making you feel so bad.This part is a difficult part of mood management and also it is a part that people always pass by.Seems lots of bad feelings inside me, I was trying to convince myself that I could recover from those feelings successfully.However, the result was that I fucked up eveything I did.Today, I finally woke my minds up because I started listening to myself, and see what I really need inside.I truly believe that your feelings are your greatest tool to help you create your life, and your feelings are also the primary caurse of everything. Everything else you see and experience in this world is effect, and that includs your feelings.The caurse is always your thoughts.